Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Money Saving Apps I use regularly

I own an iPhone and have been an iPhone user for a long time. Here are some of the main apps I use for saving money on a regular basis.
  • Mint :- I have been using the website Mint.com for several years now and it has been a great help to me in helping me budget and seeing where my money has gone. Two of my favorite features which I use regularly on the the website are the Budget and Trends features. I use the iPhone to keep an eye on my finances on the go.

  • Feedly :- I use Feedly to read all of my favorite RSS feeds including all my coupon and money saving blogs. I can quickly read and save for later all the articles I want to read later. 

  • Checkout 51 :- This is one of my favorites ways to save money on groceries and I started using them recently. It's one of the easiest ways to save money - shop for items which quality for cash back, take a photo of your receipt and upload and you will get cash back in your account. 

  • Target and Cartwheel :- I recently started using them and found some great savings using these mobile apps. With the iphone, I save the barcodes in Passbook and just show them during checkout. The coupons and savings are automatically applied. It's so easy!

  • SnipSnap :- This is also one of the easiest ways to save money. When I'm at a store and before I checkout, I just do a quick search on SnipSnap to see if there are any coupons I can use. If there are any for that store, I just bring it up and show the barcode to the cashier and the coupon is applied.