Monday, June 16, 2014

How To Get Out Grass Stains

My daughter is very active and loves being outside. When she's running outside and playing on the grass, she ends up falling a lot and getting grass stains on her pants. I make sure to put her in pants because she gets scrapes on her knees everytime she falls. But the downside to that is I have to figure out how to get grass stains out of her pants. 

Here are some of the solutions I've come across. I will try them out and update as well. 

  • Rubbing Alcohol:  Rubbing alcohol is good at getting stains out. To get the stain out, wet the stain with rubbing alcohol and let it air dry. Rinse with water and then wet stain with some detergent. Rinse again and let air dry. Wash as usual 
  • Plain White Vinegar: Wash stain with warm water and plain white vinegar and rub. Wash as you normally do. 
  • Rub with  prewash stain remover per instructions and wash as you normally would.
  • Don't use ammonia, degrease or alkaline detergents because they may set the stain in permanantly.