The current state of my container garden is doing good.
We added a cucumber plant and a zucchini plant and will see how it does in a container pot. My tomato plant which I bought as a small seedling is now pretty tall and has some leaves. It seems to be doing good so far but no fruits yet.

My tomato plant

My cucumber plant

My zucchini plant
I did one semi-big harvest of mint and another small harvest a few days ago where I plucked quite a few leaves. Before I harvested the mint, I had cut two sprigs of mint and kept them in water. They grew roots in the water and then I transplanted them onto 2 pots. At first, I wasn't sure if they would grow but now, looks like they're growing well.
This is my original plant and it's still looking good. I think that I should add some fertilizer soon though.
Here are my two sprigs of mint which have grown.
With my coriander plants, the original plant had to chopped, used and the base of the plant thrown away. I planted some coriander seed in some starter seedling pots and have been waiting for them to germinate. Today, I saw 2 of them germinate - still need to wait for them to grow a little taller. I planted some more seeds today in another pot.